Next add your sitemap to the list If youre using the Google XML sitemap plugin add sitemapxml and if youre using the Yoast plugin for XML sitemap add sitemapindexxml and save the changes then clear the cache Please note if youre using Sitemaps for videos images or authors add them to your main sitemap
If accessing your sitemap URL redirects you to another page like the homepage or causes an infinite redirect loop its a clear indication of misconfiguration Such behavior can confuse search engines and is often rooted in plugin conflicts or incorrect server settings
JohnIdol At this point I might suggest converting the sitemap to the XML format or maybe change the page extension to html The change might make a difference at Google andor help if the issue has to do with your webserver serving up txt files as ceejayoz suggested
How and why to regularly update your sitemap for Google Slickplan
In the table on the main Sitemaps report find and click sitemap that you wish to delete Click the more options button Click Remove sitemap To prevent Google from continuing to visit the sitemap either use a robotstxt rule to block Google from reading it or delete the sitemap file from your site
HTML Sitemap vs XML Sitemap Whats the Difference
Resolving the Your Sitemap Appears to Be An HTML Page Error
An HTML sitemap is a twodimensional text or visual representation of your websites when the page was last updated and any alternate language versions of the page are coded for search engines humans can easily see them Most websites that have an XML sitemap will place it at a URL that ends with sitemapxml or something similar
This Is An Html Sitemap Url Last Change
To submit a new sitemap for crawling You must have owner permissions on a property to submit a sitemap using the Sitemaps report If you dont have owner permissions you can list the sitemap in your robotstxt file instead of submitting it with this report Post the sitemap on your site The sitemap must use one of the acceptable sitemap formatsFollow the sitemap guidelines for syntax
If youve encountered this problem youre likely wondering what this error means whats wrong with your sitemap being HTML and how exactly you can fix this issue And what if your sitemap is already in the proper format and you still see this error
Need to update your sitemap for better search engine visibility This article delivers a straightforward guide on how to do just that ensuring search engines can quickly index your latest content Dive in to keep your site competitive in the search results
Caching Caching plugins can sometimes cache your sitemap making it appear static like an HTML page to search engines 3 Incorrect URL A simple typo in your sitemap URL can lead Google to the wrong file entirely 4 Conflicting Plugins Certain plugins might interfere with your sitemap generation or functionality 5
Fixing Your Sitemap Appears to Be an HTML Page in Google Trustiko
In a sitemap is it important to include information about when the url was last changed in a lastmod tag How does not including a lastmod tag in a sitemap affect how my site is crawled If I leave this information out how does it affect indexing in search engines According to the protocol definition this is an optional tag
This Is An Html Sitemap Url Last Change
How to Fix the Your Sitemap Appears to Be An HTML Page Error Kinsta
Fix Your Sitemap Appears To Be An HTML Page Error Proven WpConsults
How important is it to include lastmod in a sitemap
Your Sitemap appears to be an HTML page Please use a supported sitemap
Manage your sitemaps using the Sitemaps report Search Console Help
Getting Sitemap is HTML from Google Webmaster Tool